The corporate events (team building) organized by our company have as base the connection obtained between the knowledge and abilities achieved during the courses of management, sales, communication, human resources and others with the activities spent in nature with the final purpose of a better team spirit, the development of concentration, of competitiveness, brain training and not lastly of personal development at both professional and social level.
The professional courses and the outdoor activities can be also taken separately, but the best results on personal and group development are achieved if the two programs are reunited into one which makes the alternation between the educational (professional) component and the practical one (outdoor activities).
In the paragraphs below are explained the main categories of courses and activities undertaken by Royal Compass. These programs are not exhaustive; we have the option of customizing programs depending on you specific request.
The sales improvement course is based on 4 axes:
Conducted by consultants with experience in sales in many industries, the consultants' team audit method evaluates the efficiency of sales in different but integrated sales productivity processes:
The program analyses all the sales processes both at the strategic and tactical level. Therefore, all the sales processes are reevaluated and feedback is gained from all level: executive, management and sales representatives. It is used a pre-defined work method which decreases the time spent in sessions and minimizes the non-added value intrusions. The work process is deployed through a combination of individual interviews, team works, questionnaires and analysis for achieving a thorough coverage of all the specific aspects. At the end, a recommendations' list and specific actions are established to determine better performance results.
For achieving the objectives of any nature, besides good planning, resources allocation and management support, we need another important aspect, such as, the implication of our interlocutors regardless of their hierarchic level. The proposed project will have better chances of success when the majority of our needed partners will adhere to our proposed objective and will become allies.
The allies' strategy is a set of instruments and methods which allows every member of the organization to reach the objectives along with his partners. The approach is pragmatic and coherent and has as foundation a few simple instruments, which allow the quantification of the relationship with our peers and measures the chances we have in winning allies.
The allies' strategy constitutes a fundamental support in:
The biggest part of the course is dedicated to practical scenarios. The learning curve is especially set through exercises and case studies. Moreover, the participants are invited to present their own goals, and to offer solutions in overcoming the obstacles in achieving their objectives.
Together with the consultants they will work on defined objectives, will develop a strategy of allies for each objective trying to build a representation of the context coalition and of the possible actions to follow.
The main course objectives define the following aspects:
Overcoming Workplace Negativity
Hiring the right people is absolutely critical to the success of an organization. Through scenarios and activities, participants will experience the process of bringing a new person on board from the initial position approval through to the final processing. After attending this workshop, the learner will be able to:
Making Meetings more Effective
If you have ever wanted to host and coordinate a really good meeting, this is the workshop for you. You will discuss the components of a successful meeting, tips for planning and organizing meetings, and principles of group processing and management. At the end of the workshop you will create a picture of a really good meeting using what you have learned.
Becoming a Leader
Making the transition from being an individual contributor to a leadership position can be intimidating as well as exciting. This course describes some of the challenges that new leaders face and suggests some strategies for meeting those challenges. It also summarizes the additional skills and knowledge that leaders must acquire to fill their new role, and presents alternatives for acquiring them. Participants are given the opportunity to discuss their concerns and learn how to deal with being promoted to lead one's former peers.
Leading Teams through Conflicts
Description and Objective:
As a leader, you may find yourself in situations where you need to manage a conflict among the people who report to you. This course will help you build and implement a strategy for helping others work through their conflict. It provides guidelines to help you determine how involved you need to be - when to lead the resolution, and when (and how) to simply coach and empower your people to resolve the conflict on their own. You will also learn a simple process for mediating disputes between the people on your team, when you find it necessary.
Our objective is to create and organize outdoor events for companies and corporations at the highest level for all ages and for all tastes. No matter if you like extreme sports or just a walk in the park your request can be honored through our variety of services. Additional activities can be included on request.
Activities of competitiveness development, team spirit, management and leadership with high degree of concentration and/or physical abilities.
It is a game in which the strategy the team spirit determines the participants to engage similar to a real battle, in which everybody pushes his/her limit to the maximum. The equipment is state of the art (semiautomatic guns, costumes and protection vests, masks, goggles, etcetera)
Approx. time: 45 min.
Team strategy: 2 teams simultaneously
Price: 10 euro/pax/3 games/50 balls included.
For the sessions with real ammunition the practice is taken in authorized shooting polygons, following strict shooting rules and only under the supervision of authorized shooting instructors.
For shooting with guns/revolvers the practice is done on paper and/or metal targets.
For shooting rifle/shotgun the practice is done on flying clay.
Gun with compressed air 270m/s, cal. 5.5mm
Approx. time: 20 min./team
Team strategy: 2 team simultaneously
Price: 10 euro/pax/unlimited pellets
Pistols/revolvers (cal. 9mm, .357 mag) or rifle/shotgun (cal. 12).
Approx. time: depending on the chosen session and the number of participants
Price: depending on the chosen session and the number of participants
Competition bows – 30, 40 and 50 kg force
Aprrox. Time: 25 min./team
Team strategy: teams simultaneously
Price: 10 euro/pax/unlimited arrow shots
Off-road trails on different difficulty levels, off-road vehicles with specialized staff.
Approx. time: 1-2h/team, price: 30 euro/pax or
Approx. time: 3-4h/team, price: 50 euro/pax
Maximum 10 cars used simultaneously
Off-road trails with different difficulty levels, off-road ATVs with specialized staff.
Approx. time: 30min. – 1h/team (2 pax).
Price: 30 euro/ATV/hour.
Maximum 10 ATVs used simultaneously.
Activities of competitiveness development, team spirit, management and leadership with low and medium degree of concentration and/or physical abilities.
In between 30-100 m, at heights of 5-40 m depending on location and requests; the cross is taken on a steel cable, doubly secured;
Approx. time: 4 min./pax
Team strategy: individually
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people.
The crossing (climbing) over a net of ropes tall of 6-8 m and descending on the opposite side under a certain time.
Approx. time: 2-5 min./pax
Team strategy: 2 teams simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 pax.
Decent on alpinism rope individually or by teams, one team member at a time, in order to find an item or for the entire team to participate to a search and rescue objective.
Approx. time: 2-5 min/pax
Team strategy: 2 teams simultaneously
Maximum 10 pax
Coborarea pe coarda de alpinisim individual sau pe echipe, pe rand a cate unui membru al echipei, pentru a gasi un obiect sau pentru ca intreaga echipa sa participe la o actiune de cautare si gasire (search and rescue).;
Approx. time: 5 min./pax
Team strategy: individual tasks under time
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei
Maximum 10 pax.
Parallels in vertical and horizontal level, between 10-40 m, at heights of 3-40 m depending on location and requests.
The crossing is done individually or by two, the participants being secured with hinges on the cords, laterally as well for eventual recovers.
Approx. time: 4 min./pax
Team strategy: individual task under time
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 pax.
The recovery of set of items from a perimeter, without taking the soil, by one of the team members, suspended and sustained by the rest of the team, who need to find the best solutions to guide the suspended teammate towards the clues in the perimeter.
Approx. time: 25 min./team
Team Strategy: 2 teams simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 pax.
The move from point A to B of a container with water, placed on a plate sustained by all team members, through a corresponding number of cords, without touching the soil or spilling the water.
Approx. time: 30 min./task
Team Strategy: 2 or 4 teams simultaneously.
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The recovery of objects from enclosed perimeters, objects which are positioned in holes, taking them out being possible only by constructing simple but ingenious and efficient mechanisms; each team will receive part of the necessary supplies in order to complete the exercise; only by working together and completing each other the success of the mission can be assured.
Approx. time: 40 min.
Team Strategy: 2 or 4 team simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Each team can have maximum 10 people.
In a given perimeter, each team has as objective to hide 10 items, after which it needs to create a map with the details and the place of the hidden items; the map needs to be as rich in details as possible for finding the hidden items. After this the maps are exchanged randomly between the teams, followed by the actual items' recovery. The total is composed from the time necessary to create the map plus the time needed to find the items (the items can be components of a larger object, which can be built later on).
Approx. time: 40 min.
Team Strategy: 2, 4 or 6 teams simultaneously.
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The crossing of a swamp by the entire team, the teammates being secured among the, with the banning of touching the ground, the walk being done with the help of special tracked equipped with biddings for legs.
Approx. time: 20 min.
Team Strategy: 2, 4 or 6 teams simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
Of 1-5 km, with different difficulty levels depending on location and requests, in which all the team members are secured among themselves, having with them all the tools they need in order to finish the course: aluminum ladders for overcrossing obstacles or water courses, flashlights for caves, compasses, etcetera.
Approx. time: depending on location and requests
Team Strategy: 2, 4 or 6 teams simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team
Taking a number of eggs from a "vultures' nest" hardly accessible, by finding the best solutions to reach the objective in the shortest time without breaking the eggs.
Approx. time: 2 teams simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
Constructing a cube from several components, by one or more team members tied on the eyes, guided by their colleagues.
Approx. time: 35 min
Team Strategy: 2, 4, or 6 teams simultaneously
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The team members will cross a river without touching the water, which is extremely toxic and dangerous; the movement will be made with the help of stones and respecting certain rules.
Any rules' violation will lead to restart the crossing.
Approx. time: 20 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams.
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The team members will cross an item towards a given destination, without touching the water, with the help of logs and other specific tools, of which each team will need to buy. The entire concept is based on communication and delegation of duties. The success is given by the correct proportion of the balance between the amount spent on tools and the arrival of the items at destination in time.
Approx. time: 20 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The work team will need to assemble a structure of around 30 different pieces, at the indications of the decision team formed of one or more teammates, who receive a picture with the assembled structure; the communication is done through walkie-talkies, the two teams being separated;
Approx. time: 30 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams;
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
It is a game in which all the team members, tied on the eyes are leaded into a certain area by a guide, who is the only one who sees; the only way of communication between the guide and the team will be by hand clapping; the guide is not allowed to move or to enter in contact with the teammates aside from the above.
Approx. time: 30 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The crossing of each team member, one by one through the net of a spider, each time through a different net hole, without touching the net or the soil, being sustained and carried on the other side by the team members.
Approx. time: 20 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
Finishing a marked trail, full of mines and beams, eyes tied, trying to avoid setting the explosion, only by following the teammates' indications.
Approx. time: 30 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The movement from A to B through a marked corridor of logs' setup in the "A" shape, on which one or two teammates are positioned; the movement is done by steering a set of cords, according to a set of rules.
Approx. time: 30 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously among teams
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.
The members of each team will need to finish a marked trail and undertake certain operations, which a priori they will need to spin 10 times around a milestone – game extremely entertaining and funny.
Approx. time: 20 min.
Team Strategy: is done simultaneously with all teams
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team..
The crossing of a valley on a bridge made from flexible materials, which require the balance and the skill of the participants; the crossing is made being secured.
Approx. time: 5 min./pers.
Location: Poiana Brasov (Cariera Veche) or Cheile Rasnoavei.
Maximum 10 people per team.